This is part two of my series. First part is on how Israel lost the war is here.
Trigger warning — some harsh truths coming at you, but as I said many times before — it is critical to see both sides of this because ignorance breeds extremism which breeds hate.
We will cover how Hamas lost on the domestic front, on the greater Arab front, and on the global front.
Strap in.
Hamas lost the Domestic Front
The alleged goals of Hamas, specifically freedom for Palestinians, failed miserably. Palestinians are no more free now than they were on October 6th. Actually, Palestinians in Gaza are significantly worse off than they were before. Every single dead Gazan would be alive right now had Hamas not instigated a war (#facts).
Hamas has had a stranglehold on Gaza from the day they came to power — neglecting the basic needs of citizens, hoarding resources and foreign donations for themselves and their Jihadi terrorist aims, neglecting infrastructure, and using civilians as human shields.
Palestinians themselves have been aware of this for years, and more and more voices from of Palestinians themselves are starting to speak out against Hamas, chipping away at the false narrative that Hamas actually cares about Gazan citizens.

Hamas also failed domestically regarding the Arab population in the West Bank and in Israel. Hamas expected the West Bank to flare up, which it didn’t. Hamas also hoped that Arab Israelis would rise up as well. In fact, the exact opposite happened. Arab Israeli have largely stayed loyal to Israel.
Arab Israelis are supremely practical, aware, and knowledgeable about the situation in the Middle East, infinitely more so than privileged white kids on TikTok. They all know that being an Arab Israeli in Israel is a hell of a lot better than being in any of the neighboring countries.

Contrary to what everybody is seeing on social media, Israel is not an Apartheid state. Arab Israelis have full legal protection of their civil liberties. Arab Israelis, particularly women, enjoy freedom, economic opportunities, education, and healthcare in ways that are unheard of in neighboring countries, and more and more of them are speaking out against the Hamas narrative.
It is true that this war has economic ramifications for Israel, but even on this front Hamas failed. The Israeli economy has mastered the war-life balance and is already showing signs of future success. Intel’s CEO Pat Gelsinger went on the record publicly lauding the resiliency of the Israeli economy, and is about to quadruple-down with a$25B infusion into the economy.
Case in point: Elbit’s stock price. What happened on the 31st of October? The whole world saw Israel shoot down a Houthi ICBM from the stratosphere. You know what happened Nov 1st? The whole world called Israel and placed orders for more Israeli tech.

So yeah, Hamas lost. The only thing they “won” is more dead Palestinians that they can use as clickbait to pull heartstrings and purse strings.
Hamas lost the Arab front
Below the surface there have been some interesting activities.
First, all of the Arab countries did not come to bat. Sure, they make grandiose speeches and some fire rockets, but none actually committed themselves to Hamas’ aims. Not even Hizballah and Iran (not yet at least). Instead, the Arab countries are letting Hamas take the fall, ultimately at the expense of Gazan civilians.
Hamas has also caused massive disruptions in the Middle East, disruptions that are causing economic damage to many of the countries in the region.
Take the Houthis for example — the Jihadi sister-wife of Hamas. Their recent provocations in the Gulf of Aden are actually most irksome to Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Saudi Arabia exports billions of dollars of refined oil from Yanbu, through the Bab Al-Mandab straight to Asia. Egypt collects over $9B in transfer fees from usage of the Suez Canal, a key source of liquid cash flow. So don’t be surprised if the Houthis suffer a quick blow from another Muslim country.
Cracks are beginning to show in the broader Muslim world. Hamas, ISIS, and all the other Jihadi extremist groups have been slaughtering other Muslims for decades, and people are starting to speak up.

The majority of people across the MENA region want to wake up in the morning and deal with the mundane — send their kids to school, make some money at work, etc… Hamas and Jihadi terrorism has been interrupting progress in the greater MENA region since the day Islam was created.
Raheel Raza and Mohammed Rizwan summarize this point recently in the National Post:
Support for Palestinian cause comes from a fear that if Israel is allowed to exist in peace and security, its democratic values will eventually permeate the region.
Hamas lost on the Global front
Over the last two decades Hamas, and the larger Jihadi terrorist umbrella, have done an excellent job of indoctrinating Western white kids to hate Israel and to hate Western/European Liberal values.
But Hamas, and the larger Jihadi terrorist umbrella have lost the Global front because that mask is coming off — and more people are becoming aware of the dangers.
The whole world now knows that Hamas actually committed war crimes: Murdering civilians, including children and babies, mass rape, and taking hostages. Even those that deny these things happen know these atrocities actually did happen.
We know now that Jihadi terrorism has been pumping cash to American universities for years.
We know now that Students for Justice in Palestine is a Jihadi death cult, with no interest in Justice and no interest in Palestine except when used as an excuse to let out some violent Anti-Jewish steam.
We know now that SJP is backed by American Muslims for Palestine, which is run by 4 known Hamas operators, most notably Hatem Bazian, lecturer of the Department of Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley. (side note — AMP is tied to multiple organizations that have taken in donations from Americans and used them to fund Hamas militancy — Bazian is tied to all of them. Go down the rabbit hole if you dare).
The world is becoming acutely aware of the ugly side of Islamic Jihadi extremism — the violence, the brutality, and the lack of respect for basic morality and rule of law, all driven by the desire to establish a global caliphate of Sharia law.
It has spilled over into all corners of the world and it is a global problem.
The harsh truth is that it is not Jews who threaten to attack churches on Christmas.
It is not Jews who attack police in New York or Berlin and burn down cities in “peaceful” protests.
It is not Jews who make bomb threats to elementary schools.
It is not Jews who harass children at a public mall and shout death threats.
It is not Jews who coordinate mass rape on the streets of Cologne.
Jews don’t massacre 200 Christian civilians over Christmas in Nigeria.
Jews don’t ban girls from getting educated beyond sixth grade.
Jews don’t troll the streets shouting to gas or kill other religions.
Jews don’t go on TV to justify child marriage like this guy:
The world is quickly becoming aware of the insidious nature of militant Jihadi extremism, and is starting to take action.
Italy is shutting down Mosques that preach violence and the primacy of Sharia law over civil law.
Years of violence in the streets of the Netherlands (again — not Jews) led to the election of Geert Wilders, who has this to say about Islam:
To many people in Europe, the US, Canada, and elsewhere, Islam has a problem with violence. It has a problem with homophobia. And it definitely has a problem with treatment of women. Every single one of the 54 UN-designated terror organizations is Muslim.
As Jimmie Akesson, leader of Sweden’s 2nd largest political party stated recently:
We must confiscate and demolish mosques where anti-democratic, anti-Swedish, homophobic and anti-Semitic propaganda is spreading in Swedish society
Hamas gave legitimacy for the extreme, violent and militant aspects of Islam to act out. And the world is watching.
Hamas was the catalyst for all of this because they decided to video everything and share it with the world. And now the world is seeing what Jihadi Islamic extremism looks like on their own soil. And for those that still don’t know, Hamas did the world a favor and documented the whole thing, so we will be able to watch in horror for generations to come.

There are many who may see this as Islamophobia. But there is an increasing amount of people out there who question if Islamophobia is even a thing, or just another PR push. Statistically, Islamophobia has actually been decreasing over the last decade.

So what now?
To recap, Hamas launched a war, and now they are subsequently losing a war. Hamas did not “free Palestine”, they did not eliminate the state of Israel from the River to the Sea. All they did was cause the death of thousands of Gazans, which they used as clickbait to fuel a global Antisemitic PR campaign.
But there is no such thing as a free lunch… this came with a steep cost.
Hamas did not get the results they want from Arabs in the West Bank, and certainly not from Arab Israelis. Hamas did not get support from their friends, and left a trail of massive internal upheaval within the Arab world.
Hamas was also the catalyst for violent and insidious protests and criminality by Islamic extremisms all over the world, and also the subsequent blowback.
The vast majority of Muslims are not Jihadi militants, but those that are, like Hamas, are causing irreparable damage to the greater MENA region, to the world, and to the image of Islam as a whole.
The only way out of this is for the Arab world to rise up and rid themselves of their extremist, violent members.
And if you don’t like hearing that from a Jew, maybe listen more to the Muslims who are literally putting their lives at risk to say it:
(N.B— why is it that when any Muslim dares to question the given narrative, they are immediately either harassed, issued death threats, or actually killed? Doesn’t that just prove the point that Islam has a problem? In normal countries, issuing death threats lands you in jail. Killing someone who just has a different opinion lands you in jail. In Muslim countries killing someone who just has a different opinion on Islam gets you TikTok followers and a commemorative SJP t-shirt.)