Your Kids Have Been Indoctrinated.

Yoav Fisher


A contact of from a mid-size city in the Midwest reached out to me very recently. She has a son in 7th grade. Three days ago her son was accosted by a boy in his class. The other boy cornered him as said these words: “Hey Jew, I’m going to light you on fire until you are ashes on the ground”.

Then he capped his statement with a Heil Hitler salute.

What would drive a 7th grade to exhibit such flagrant hatred? What is going on behind the scenes that we are missing? What did this kid’s mother think?

A recent poll from Harvard Harris found that almost 50% of Americans aged 18–24 support Hamas.

Yes, you read that correctly. Not “support Palestinians” or “support a 2-state solution”. Straight up support Hamas — a terrorist organization that shoots babies in the face, gang rapes teenage girls, takes hostages, kills hundreds of civilians, treats people in the Gaza strip like cannon fodder, and is dead set on killing every Jew, Christian, and other Infidel they see fit.

Why is this specific demographic so bizarrely skewed? Why are young adults in the US, particularly those in the far left, so supportive of a terrorist organization that is brazenly in contradiction to their core values?

I fear young adults in the US have been woefully indoctrinated, to the point where they are unable to objectively assess anything anymore. And I can’t stop wondering, what do their parents think?

Very recently, Rachel Birney, a student at USC, was outed for tearing down posters of the kidnapped Israeli children, giggling and mumbling about “Genocide”.

Rachel clearly does not believe Jews are deserving of empathy, but what makes her situation so bizarre is that her mother is a public figure: Angela Birney, the mayor of Redmond in Washington State.

Rachel made her own bed, but she has also damaged her mother’s career and good name. Now Angela has to reconcile with her daughter’s actions, especially considering Angela is a signatory on the US Congress of Mayors “Mayors against Anti-Semitism” initiative.

In our day and age, it is very easy to pick and choose whatever sensationalist content you want in order to drive click-bait. And when it comes to Israel, the vast overwhelming amount of this content is purposefully one-sided, without any connection to Israel or to Palestine, but rather against Jews as a concept in general.

There are endless videos/reels/memes/stories, and they thrive online because we live in a world of one-sided echo chambers, where complexity is distilled down to sensationalized click-bait that is used to drive eyeballs and gain viewers.

This fuels the fire of indoctrination because it actively delegitimizes the other side side by sheer fact that it does not present even an option that there is another side.

All of this is made exponentially worse by the self-fulfilling algorithms of social networks. This mean that what you see on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (“X”) or TikTok is not what I see.

Your children see a lot promoted misinformation on Twitter (“X”), — blatantly skewed against Jews.

Your kids in college and high school have most probably been susceptible to fake profiles pushing hatred toward Israel and Jews.

Your kids have definitely scrolled through one of the millions of videos on TikTok that are promoting violence, hate speech, and misinformation about Jews.

If your kid is on Telegram Messenger, then they have undoubtedly been exposed to the “Cesspool of Anti-Semitic Content”, most probably from some AI Hamas-bot.

There is also a very strong chance that your kid has sat through a class where the lecturer was effectively purchased by Qatar, a practice that has been going back for decades apparently.

There is hard line between legit criticism of Israel and obvious hate speech against Jews, and I keep wondering how parents in the US are reacting as they see their children perpetuate obvious hatred against Jews — against other Americans who have no connection whatsoever to Israeli policy.

The confluence of flagrantly one-sided content, years of skewed post-Colonial narratives, and the exponential reach of social media means that hatred against Jews has spread across the globe, and that young adults in the US are perpetuating this hatred.

The consequences are dangerous.

All across the US, from Los Angeles, Detroit, or New York, there is a massive increase in threats, violence, intimidation and hate speech against Jews. Jews who have nothing to do with Israel or Israeli policy and are “guilty by association” simply because they are Jewish.

To me, this is the clear proof that these protests actually have nothing to do with Israel, and nothing to do with Palestinian civilians either, and that the rise of glaring Anti-Jew sentiment is directly correlated to the indoctrination of young adults in the US, and the denial that the other side even has the right to an opinion.

It seems that young adults in the US have been programed to hate and to disseminate more hate, specifically against Jews.

How are parents supposed to react when their children are Doxxed for perpetuating hate?

A colleague of mine is a doctor in LA. After completing a successful surgery, he was accosted by a 19 year old in the hospital lobby. The 19 year old yelled at him: “All of you f*&#ing Kikes deserve to die”.

The doctor had just completed the surgery on the 19 year old’s mother.

But there is something else going on that makes no sense… which is that the core values of the US — individualism, equality, diversity, and protection of civil liberties- are now somehow wrong.

This can best be seen in Osama Bin Laden’s Letter to America going viral on Tiktok, which openly calls for terrorist actions against the US.

How are American parents, who lived through the shock and terror of 9/11, reacting to seeing their kids promote terror and death in the US.

These kids justify their support for terror against the US by way of Anti-Jew and Anti-Israel sentiment, which we know is based on misinformation and one-sided delegitimization of anything related to Israel or Jews.

For example, these two young women, who expand their Anti-Jew sentiment to the United States as a whole. I am fairly sure their parents worked their asses off to give these two access to college education and adequate healthcare, and in a country that protects their right to free speech.

So, it seems that young adults in the US have been programed to hate and to disseminate more hate, specifically against Jews, but also against the US.

What the actual F?

(Yuri Bezmenov ring a bell?)

I am very concerned that young adults in the US have been programed to be pawns and perpetuate hate and Antisemitism to the point where they don’t even realize another side even exists, and where they show flagrant disregard to their own country.

But they also disregard their parents, who remember 9/11, and who have done everything in their power to give them opportunities and a better life.

This is a major systematic failure.

My hope is that the majority of parents in the US are able to recognize the difference between hate speech against Jews and legitimate criticism of Israel. I also assume that most parents recognize the dissonance between the America they believe in (with all of it’s flaws) and the America that their kids disdain.

Unfortunately, this puts the burden on parents to try to show young adults that every side has two stories, and that you should only draw a conclusion to an argument after you know enough to be able to find validity in both sides.

But fighting against indoctrination is difficult because the indoctrination is so deep that it doesn’t matter how many times someone tries to argue that Israel is not committing war crimes, or is not an Apartheid State, or is not Colonial, the argument is immediately deemed illegitimate.

And this is the crux of the indoctrination — that even the option of a different narrative is denied and delegitimized. Whether that narrative is Israel, Jews, or the entirety of the United States.

I can’t make anybody “change sides”. The beauty of America is that you are free to believe whatever you want.

But what I am trying to do is to convince you that, at the very least, young adults in the US should try to understand the other side in order to make an informed decision, and not a decision based on years of promoted one-sided misinformation. The consequences are too dangerous, for Jews and for the US as a whole.

Otherwise your kids are just puppets being used to perpetuate more hate.



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