Shannon - I will answer you in full, and I pose a few questions for you at the end>>
Ethnic Cleansing is systemic forced removal of a specified ethnic/religion/racial group.
This means an actual policy of removing a group of people - and when you do it by killing them it is called Genocide.
Recent examples of this include the Uygers in China, The Kurds/Christians/Yazidis in Iraq/Syra, and Tamils in Sri Lanka.
In 1948, during the war, about 700K Palestinians (note - this was before anybody called them Palestinians) were displaced to Lebanon, Jordan (west bank), Syria, and Egypt (gaza).
This is the "Nakba", and I am assuming this what you are referring to. But I would also argue that the Nakba needs to be seen in the context of the fact that this was during a war when 5 countries tried to kill all the Jews (and before the actual establishment of the country).
But let's move forward in time - since then the population growth of Palestinians in Gaza, those in the W. Bank, and Arab Israelis (yes, 3 distinct groups) has flourished. There has been no documents of any kind since the Nakba of "ethnic cleansing", and the unfortunate deaths on both sides are the result of conflict, not genocide.
Question for you: Where did you first hear about this "ethnic cleansing"?