Joe - This is an abused trope that I see everywhere, so I will address in full because it perfectly exemplifies what I am trying to get across.
You claim it's only about the Occupation. But Israel hasn't occupied Gaza since 2005, so that makes no sense.
So then you would probably counter - well I meant the Occupation of the West Bank. But that has only been happening since 1967 - before it was Jordan, so again makes no sense.
So then you would counter and say: I mean occupation of modern day Israel since 1948, but then I would say: But the Arab countries refused to have peace and then launched a war and lost that war... and there are tons of examples I can cite from before 1948, like:
1917: Jaffa "cleansing" - 10000 Jews ethnically cleansed by the Ottomans
1920 Jerusalem Pogrom
1921: Jaffa Pogrom
1929: Hebron Massacre
1929: Safed Massacre
1936: Jaffa Pogrom
And so on and so on. And let's not forget the 1M Jews and 2M Christians who were ethnically cleansed from the greater MENA region in the 20th century.
And let's also not forget the multiple times that the Arab Muslim population of the modern state of Israel refused peace: 1937, 1948, 1967, 2000, 2005, 2008. All were refused - ask yourself why.
So let's get back to you --- this whole post is about trying to see things from both sides. I presented to you now other aspects of this "it's about the occupation" trope.
Which means that there clearly are two sides to this - so I wonder at what point do you think - ok, maybe people should try to see both sides instead of repeating something that is clearly just poorly disguised bias?
You want to chat about Israeli policy in the W.B. since 1967, let's do it. You want to talk about what Hamas actually does to Palestinians in Gaza since 2005 let's do it.
But by saying "The oppression will continue until Israel ends its occupation" is you proving my point.
Happy to discus more.