First, I am glad you posted. The vast overwhelming bulk of the comments I get are crazy lefts and in a weird way it is refreshing to get a different take. So let's keep this going...
You hint at a lot of Samuel Huntington's neoconservative take on the world... I think far left Zoomers have a hard time with neoconservative perspectives because neoconservative view ignore emotions and look at facts - and they have been so trained to think of feelings and inclusiveness.
For example, it is a fact that Hamas started this war and it is a fact that people tragically die. It is also a fact that all the citizens in Gaza would be alive had Hamas not instigated a war.
It is also a fact that Jesus was not Palestinian. And it is also a fact that there were Jews in what is now Israel way before Christians, way way before Islam, and way way way before Palestinians.
What makes no sense for me is how far down the rabbit hole far left zoomers are willing to go just to avoid these uncomfortable truths... Most recent examples is protests I am seeing with "Houthis Save Us" posters... The Houthis would love nothing more than to destroy the US and create a global Jihadi caliphate - it even says so on their flag. The houthis even reintroduced slavery!
And now my question - you state it "will not end well" for these zoomers... What do you mean? Do you mean they will wake up somehow? I fear the only way they will wake up is if there is a major catastrophe in the US....